When to Text a Girl

Best time to text a girl

I want to debunk in this article some of the common myths regarding texting girls that you’re interested in to want to have a relationship, and there’s a lot of sort of rules and sort of urban legends about texting, even I personally realize that I was making a lot of the mistakes, so in this article, I want to bump these common myths.

The first myths which a friend of mine is a dating coach and he woke me up because I was hugely guilty of this idea that there is a specific amount of time you have to wait before texting a girl, and this idea that time was really important when it came to when to text a girl or when to text a girl you just met.

Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

I don’t really know where this idea originated maybe use from that swingers movie with the whole three-day rôle, and a lot of guys get fixated on «oh how long should I wait, should I wait a day, Should I wait three days, or should I pretend like I’m not interested.

And even if you’re having those thoughts you’re already thinking in the wrong direction, your thoughts are already leading you in a direction, that’s not going to be helpful to get this girl out on a date.

The way you should be thinking about it is what to talk about when texting a girl because the content of your text is much more important than the timing of the text!

So de-emphasize this idea of timing, and better focus on how to not be boring when texting a girl, that’s step number one, when you get the number of a girl you could text her later that night if you want or the next day if the text message is good, but avoid texting a girl too much but the timing of when you text her it really doesn’t matter that much.

The thing is as long as you know a little bit about texting than when you text her really doesn’t matter at all and in fact, texting her sooner is actually better.

I actually get messages from students all the time and I swear it’s the movie swingers that really crippled this because it did cripple me back in the days, this idea of the three-day rôle!

Because if you wait three days or four days to texting a girl for the first time and then that first message sucks what the hell was the purpose of waiting, you delayed sending her a message just to send her some normal boring message!?

Now not only did the message suck but now three days have gone by and she’s totally forgotten all the good things about you and the first thing that you’ve reminded her about is just hey I like every other guy that sent you a message.

Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

And that’s the unfortunate thing is just a lot of guys get more fixated on that idea, they think that waiting’s increasing her attraction or making her mysterious and really what it’s doing is it’s just making her realize that this is a guy that she’s never gonna meet up with.

So the common role that we just bumped is the fact that you have to sort of play this mind game with the girl of when you’re gonna text her and how long you’re gonna wait for your response but this is not the right approach.

The right approach is to send the text messages that will make her want you, it doesn’t matter when to text a girl or when to respond to her message! even if you do it right back in the minute they text you you’ve responded, because if you send the right message it doesn’t matter when you send it!

Whereas a lot of guys think well I put my phone away and I wait an hour it’s gonna make her wonder how I’m gonna respond, now there is time in a place for the waiting game and sometimes you have to take a step back especially when you’re a little hungry or drunken and you’re gonna kind of send the wrong thing, but in general, this is absolutely not the approach to take.

Especially with a girl that you’ve just met and trying to make a first impression on, it’s just so key that you approach her the right way, send her text to make her smile, a text like it’s continuing the conversation that is not this mind battle or this chess game of strategically sending your messages at certain times.

Don’t distract yourself with ideas that are not necessary right, like looking for the best time to text a girl, think instead and come up with a cute text to make her feel special to make the best first impression.

Look at it like you put the conversation on pause when you met her, that’s why you took her number and now you’re just resuming the conversation that you were already having.

Stay tuned then I’m going to debunk the next myth soon in another article and that involves actually how you start this initial conversation with her and how you follow up with her and kind of how your text communications should take place, so keep your eyes open for the second myth that I am going to write about the next days and you’re not going to want to miss this one. Click here to learn the 3 Innocent Texts That Make Any Girl Chase You.



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Love Astrology and Relationship Advice For Women

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